
Dinner Groups
There’s something so beautiful, nourishing and even sacred, that happens when people intentionally gather together to build community.
So why not make this a regular part of our lives as well?
Our small groups meet throughout the Goshen area, on various nights of the week. Most groups are intergenerational. Dinner Groups share a meal together, talk about the ups and downs of life, and pray for one another. Life Groups center around a shared interest, activity, location or age group. All groups begin in September and end in May, but you are invited to join a group at ANY time throughout the year.
If you would like more information about Dinner Groups & Life Groups, contact Janice Troyer.

Young Adults
Being a young adult is loosely defined between the ages of 18 and 34. It's an age filled with a lot of life stages and life changes. Our goal here is to connect young adults with young adults, build authentic community, talk honestly about faith and hopefully have some fun along the way. Join us.

We create environments where youth can build friendships, explore questions, learn and grow in their faith and have crazy amounts of fun.
Jr. & Sr. High Youth (grades 6-12) meet during the school year on the second and last Sunday of the month from 6-7:30pm.
The Junior Youth Squad meets on the last Sunday of each month from 6-7:30pm.
Youth groups also meet during the Christian Ed hour on Sundays for engaging conversations relevant to teens. All youth in our community are welcome and invited to check things out.
For more information about youth groups, or for a youth group calendar, contact Jon.
Sunday School

We keep it real. This isn’t boring Sunday School like you might think. Christian Education opportunities for adults talk about real life matters, even hard topics, and discuss together how to keep growing in our relationship with God and others. Opportunities exist for ages 2 through 102+. We work hard at keeping things age appropriate and engaging so that everyone has the opportunity to grow in their spiritual journey.
Mennonite Women

Silverwood Mennonite Women meeting dates are varied now because of the pandemic. Please check the church calendar for current meeting dates.
Sewing and project days are from 9am - 2pm in the church fellowship hall. Examples of projects that are worked on: piecing and quilting quilts, tying comforters, stringing MCC school kit and hygiene kit bags, and creating other art to benefit local and worldwide missions.
What? You don’t sew? Or quilt? Don’t worry! We can teach you. Or you can work on a project that doesn’t involve sewing. Of course, supporting each other and building relationships are vital parts of our time together.
Women can come any time and stay as long as they’d like. Because of the pandemic we are not sharing a dessert at this time. You’re invited to bring your own sack lunch for a physically distanced lunch together.